
internationale Dozenten

(Personal) Branding, Storytelling & Social Media (3 CR)

Greta Horsch

start: 25.03.2024 14:30-16:30 Teilnehmerzahl: 15

The course explores (personal) branding, social media dynamics, trends, content creation, and communication strategies, including visual creation.
Through theory and practical applications, it fosters discussions on current developments, addressing the ever-changing media landscape.


Basic bookbinding for Incomings only (3 CR)

Vera Burmester

start: 12.4.24 participants: 6

The students will learn essential bookbinding techniques as there are: sewing signatures and binding with adhesives. We have a look at the used materials its textures and possibilities.The aim of the class is: producing two fully handmade books, with stamping the title on it, using a headband and...


Basics in Photo (3 CR)

Mario Wezel

Beginn: 23./24.5. 10-17 Uhr 6./7.6. 10-17 Uhr Teilnehmerzahl: 12

„Basics in Photo“ is an introduction to the world of documentary photography. The course will provide theoretical knowledge of the medium, with a focus to search and create a unique point of interest for each student. Online meetings will lay the groundwork for a personal photo project that...


Editorial Design (3 CR)

Dr. Claudia Fortagne

start: March 21st, Thursday 8:45 am participants: 15

In this class we will be exploring long-form graphic design. Our focus will be on books, magazines or in general multipage documents. The skills developed are basically creating continuity and variety across a range of pages, presenting different kinds of information in context-appropriate formats....


Entrepreneurship (3 CR)

Sandra Skupin

start: 27.03.24, 16:00 - 18:00 (online) participants: 20

"Shaping the future through creativity and entrepreneurship." In this course, we look at the process of finding your professional why and begin to develop a sustainable business model. We will also learn about social entrepreneurship and the personality of the founder, you will be able to...


Expandierendes Zeichnen - Expanded Drawing (3 CR)

Prof.in Nadja Schöllhammer

Beginn: 16.05.2024 Teilnehmerzahl: 12

Neben klassischen Zeichenmaterialien werden in diesem Kurs ungewöhnliche Werkzeuge und Materialien zum Zeichnen verwendet: 

Gezeichnet werden kann mit Bleistift und Zeichenkohle, aber auch mit Schere oder Cuttermesser, mit Radiergummi, Watte, Schnüren bis hin zu Pflanzenresten,...


Next Materials (3 CR)

Hanna Niemeyer

Beginn: 19.03.2024 Teilnehmerzahl: Max. 11

In diesem Kurs wird auf Grundlage der Sammlung der Materialwerkstatt ein Basiswissen über eine Viel¬zahl von Materialien aus den unterschiedlichsten Anwendungsbereichen vermittelt. 
In den Kategorien Mineralien, Metalle, Hölzer, Pflanzen & Tiere, Textilien und Kunststoffe schauen wir...


Strategies for Sustainable Design x Fashion Revolution (3 CR)

Simone Austen-Heimberg

start: Tuesday, March 12th participans: 15

Can we promote egalitarianism and decolonization through
fashion activism?
The seminar is about activism, fashion, clothes, and textiles,
and the stories behind them. In this mix of theory and
practice, we will delve into concepts of egalitarianism,
decolonization, and...


Typography/Layout (3 CR)

Dr. Claudia Fortagne

start: March 19th, Tuesday 11:00 participants: 15

This class focuses on the core principles of typography, the acquisition of basic knowledge and skills regarding typography and its role in design. You will learn how to select fonts and develop layouts, obtain understanding of the difference between reading typography and experimental typography...
